书画家宗家良 组图

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

死亡的阴影`Shadow of Death by William Holman Hunt

死亡的阴影`Shadow of Death by William Holman Hunt

无瑕受孕,1637年`Immaculate Conception, 1637 by Jusepe de Ribera

无瑕受孕,1637年`Immaculate Conception, 1637 by Jusepe de Ribera

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

蒙面女子`Veiled Woman by Jean-Baptiste Santerre

蒙面女子`Veiled Woman by Jean-Baptiste Santerre

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

马赛克裸体研究,威斯康星州议会大厦,自由,1913年`Nude Study for Mosaic, Wisconsin State Capitol, Liberty, 1913 by Kenyon Cox

小船`The Skiff  by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

小船`The Skiff by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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