高中书画作品展项目纪实 组图

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

安葬,1500年`The Entombment, 1500 by Michelangelo

安葬,1500年`The Entombment, 1500 by Michelangelo

玩Putti`Playing Putti by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

玩Putti`Playing Putti by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts



公爵夫人,蓝色连衣裙`A Duchess, the Blue Dress by Alfred Stevens

公爵夫人,蓝色连衣裙`A Duchess, the Blue Dress by Alfred Stevens

当骑士身份盛开时`When Knighthood was in Flower by Howard Chandler Christy

当骑士身份盛开时`When Knighthood was in Flower by Howard Chandler Christy

《通告》,1434-1436`The Annunciation, 1434-1436 by Jan van Eyck

《通告》,1434-1436`The Annunciation, 1434-1436 by Jan van Eyck

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