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保罗·埃斯库迪尔夫人,路易丝·莱弗尔`Madame Paul Escudier, Louise Lefevre by John Singer Sargent

保罗·埃斯库迪尔夫人,路易丝·莱弗尔`Madame Paul Escudier, Louise Lefevre by John Singer Sargent

去阿尔卑斯山的游客`A Vist to the Alps by Emil Rau

去阿尔卑斯山的游客`A Vist to the Alps by Emil Rau

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

玫瑰圣母`The Virgin of the Rosary by Quentin Massys

玫瑰圣母`The Virgin of the Rosary by Quentin Massys

珍妮·哈布特画像`Portrait of Jeanne Hubuterne

珍妮·哈布特画像`Portrait of Jeanne Hubuterne

戴帽子的女士`Lady with Hat by Gustave Jean Jacquet

戴帽子的女士`Lady with Hat by Gustave Jean Jacquet

维多利亚女王陛下`Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Alexander Bassano

维多利亚女王陛下`Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Alexander Bassano

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