赵跃工笔人物画 组图

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

博物馆`De Musette

博物馆`De Musette

迷人的邂逅`A Charming Encounter by Heywood Hardy

迷人的邂逅`A Charming Encounter by Heywood Hardy

一天晚上在海上`One Evening at the Sea by Alfred Stevens

一天晚上在海上`One Evening at the Sea by Alfred Stevens

一位年轻女子的肖像`A portrait of a young woman by Pierre Olivier Joseph Coomans

一位年轻女子的肖像`A portrait of a young woman by Pierre Olivier Joseph Coomans

克里斯蒂安·维亚斯托——运河船夫`Christian Viasto – A Canal Boat Woman

克里斯蒂安·维亚斯托——运河船夫`Christian Viasto – A Canal Boat Woman

一名身穿土耳其服装、身穿哈曼衫的妇女在指导仆人`A Woman in Turkish Costume in a Hamam Instructing a Servant by Jean-Etienne Liotard

一名身穿土耳其服装、身穿哈曼衫的妇女在指导仆人`A Woman in Turkish Costume in a Hamam Instructing a Servant by Jean-Etienne Liotard

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