书画展折页素材 组图

基督与妓女`Christ And The Harlot

基督与妓女`Christ And The Harlot

年轻美女`Young Beauty by Hugues Merle

年轻美女`Young Beauty by Hugues Merle

蚊帐`The Mosquito Net

蚊帐`The Mosquito Net

夜莺之歌`The Nightingale\’s Song

夜莺之歌`The Nightingale\’s Song

雕塑的寓言`The Allegory of Sculpture by Giovanni Battista Vanni

雕塑的寓言`The Allegory of Sculpture by Giovanni Battista Vanni

杰尔·基斯,化妆品广告,穿着白衣的女孩和精灵,1918年`Djer-Kiss, Cosmetic Advertisement, Girl in White with Elves, 1918 by Maxfield Parrish

杰尔·基斯,化妆品广告,穿着白衣的女孩和精灵,1918年`Djer-Kiss, Cosmetic Advertisement, Girl in White with Elves, 1918 by Maxfield Parrish

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

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