瓦房店市麒麟书画院 组图

Old Woman by Edvard Munch

老太太` Old Woman by Edvard Munch

《圣母的假设》,1476年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1476 by Francesco Botticini

《圣母的假设》,1476年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1476 by Francesco Botticini

圣凯瑟琳`Saint Catherine by Bernardino Luini

圣凯瑟琳`Saint Catherine by Bernardino Luini

拥抱,贝多芬雕带`The Embracement, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

拥抱,贝多芬雕带`The Embracement, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

狂热的殉道者`The Martyr of Fanaticism by Jose de Brito

狂热的殉道者`The Martyr of Fanaticism by Jose de Brito

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

美杜莎`Medusa by Pierre Marcel-Beronneau

美杜莎`Medusa by Pierre Marcel-Beronneau

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