何仁浩书画价值 组图

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

圣凯瑟琳斩首`Decapitation of Saint Catherine by Old Master

圣凯瑟琳斩首`Decapitation of Saint Catherine by Old Master

巴格达街头的三个女人`Three Women on the Street of Baghdad

巴格达街头的三个女人`Three Women on the Street of Baghdad

Sita和Sarita,莎拉·阿利博恩·利维特的肖像`Sita and Sarita, Portrait of Sarah Allibone Leavitt by Cecilia Beaux

Sita和Sarita,莎拉·阿利博恩·利维特的肖像`Sita and Sarita, Portrait of Sarah Allibone Leavitt by Cecilia Beaux

阿米达被里纳尔多遗弃,1742-1745年`Armida Abandoned by Rinaldo, 1742-1745 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

阿米达被里纳尔多遗弃,1742-1745年`Armida Abandoned by Rinaldo, 1742-1745 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格,1563年`Dull Gret, Mad Meg, 1563 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

迟钝的格雷特,疯狂的梅格,1563年`Dull Gret, Mad Meg, 1563 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

维多利亚时代的死亡`Victorine Meurent by Edouard Manet

维多利亚时代的死亡`Victorine Meurent by Edouard Manet

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