小学生将家藏书画捐献给国家 组图

小女孩`Little Girl by Adolphe William Bouguereau

小女孩`Little Girl by Adolphe William Bouguereau

卡利斯托怀孕的发现`The discovery of Callisto\’s pregnancy by Hendrick Goltzius

卡利斯托怀孕的发现`The discovery of Callisto\’s pregnancy by Hendrick Goltzius

Women Bathing (1979)  by Edvard Munch

妇女沐浴` Women Bathing (1979) by Edvard Munch

土耳其浴`Le Bain Turc

土耳其浴`Le Bain Turc

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

一个日本女人的画像(Kuroki夫人)` Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

黛博拉·杰米玛·麦克斯韦夫人肖像`Portrait of Mrs Deborah Jemima Maxwell by George Romney

黛博拉·杰米玛·麦克斯韦夫人肖像`Portrait of Mrs Deborah Jemima Maxwell by George Romney

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