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《拿着书的年轻女孩》,1906年`Young girl with a book, 1906 by Charles-Franois-Prosper Guerin

《拿着书的年轻女孩》,1906年`Young girl with a book, 1906 by Charles-Franois-Prosper Guerin

1922年,修道院屋内有美塞达利修女场景`Interior of convent with Mercedarian nuns scene, 1922 by Jose Rico Cejudo

1922年,修道院屋内有美塞达利修女场景`Interior of convent with Mercedarian nuns scene, 1922 by Jose Rico Cejudo

玫瑰圣母`Our Lady of the Rosary by Albrecht Durer

玫瑰圣母`Our Lady of the Rosary by Albrecht Durer

歌剧演员艾诺·阿克特的肖像`Portrait of the Opera Singer Aino Ackte by Albert Edelfelt

歌剧演员艾诺·阿克特的肖像`Portrait of the Opera Singer Aino Ackte by Albert Edelfelt

在沙丘中失明的克里斯蒂安和汀`Blind Kristian and Tine among the Dunes

在沙丘中失明的克里斯蒂安和汀`Blind Kristian and Tine among the Dunes

吗啡成瘾者`Morphine Addict by Eugene Grasset

吗啡成瘾者`Morphine Addict by Eugene Grasset

专辑`The Album

专辑`The Album

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