会昌文联组织书画家送春联 组图

Little girl’s head (1920)  by Tadeusz Makowski

小女孩的头` Little girl’s head (1920) by Tadeusz Makowski

埃塞尔·库欣夫人`Mrs Ethel Cushing

埃塞尔·库欣夫人`Mrs Ethel Cushing

公开抄写员`Public Scribe

公开抄写员`Public Scribe

天堂和地狱`Heaven and Hell by Octave Tassaert

天堂和地狱`Heaven and Hell by Octave Tassaert

亚舍·B·韦特海默夫人肖像,1898年`Portrait of Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer, 1898 by John Singer Sargent

亚舍·B·韦特海默夫人肖像,1898年`Portrait of Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer, 1898 by John Singer Sargent

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

Girl Reading (1921 ~ 1922)  by Magnus Enckell

女孩读书` Girl Reading (1921 ~ 1922) by Magnus Enckell

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