河北蔡纪先书画家 组图

海边的孩子们`Children by the Seashore by Charles Courtney Curran

海边的孩子们`Children by the Seashore by Charles Courtney Curran

越过山丘,远远地`Over the Hills and Far Away by Meyer von Bremen

越过山丘,远远地`Over the Hills and Far Away by Meyer von Bremen

两个印第安人在独木舟里,森林里`Two Indians in a Canoe, Forest Interior by Gilbert Gaul

两个印第安人在独木舟里,森林里`Two Indians in a Canoe, Forest Interior by Gilbert Gaul

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

和爷爷一起散步`A Walk with Grandpa by Augustus Edwin Mulready

和爷爷一起散步`A Walk with Grandpa by Augustus Edwin Mulready

约翰·C·汤姆林森夫人`Mrs. John C. Tomlinson by John Singer Sargent

约翰·C·汤姆林森夫人`Mrs. John C. Tomlinson by John Singer Sargent

湖边的傍晚`Evening By The Lake

湖边的傍晚`Evening By The Lake

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