王旭之书画 组图

熟睡的美人鱼`The Sleeping Mermaid by John Reinhard Weguelin

熟睡的美人鱼`The Sleeping Mermaid by John Reinhard Weguelin

花园里拿着阳伞的女人`Woman with a Parasol in a Garden

花园里拿着阳伞的女人`Woman with a Parasol in a Garden

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

房子里的谋杀案,1890年`Murder in the House, 1890 by Jakub Schikaneder

房子里的谋杀案,1890年`Murder in the House, 1890 by Jakub Schikaneder

抹大拉的马利亚`Saint Mary Magdalene by Archimede Bresciani da Gazoldo

抹大拉的马利亚`Saint Mary Magdalene by Archimede Bresciani da Gazoldo

玛丽·克莱克夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame Marie Clerc by Carolus-Duran

玛丽·克莱克夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame Marie Clerc by Carolus-Duran

《遐想》,写于1904年`Reverie, Painted in 1904 by John William Godward

《遐想》,写于1904年`Reverie, Painted in 1904 by John William Godward

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