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葡萄采摘者`Grape Gatherers, Vendangeuses by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

葡萄采摘者`Grape Gatherers, Vendangeuses by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

爱的低语`Whisperings of Love by Adolphe William Bouguereau

爱的低语`Whisperings of Love by Adolphe William Bouguereau

圣母玛利亚`Virgin Mary by Anton van Dyck

圣母玛利亚`Virgin Mary by Anton van Dyck

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

拉拉小姐在马戏团费尔南多,1879年`Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando, 1879 by Edgar Degas

给熟睡的士兵挠痒痒的女士`Lady Tickling a Sleeping Soldier  by Gerard ter Borch the Younger

给熟睡的士兵挠痒痒的女士`Lady Tickling a Sleeping Soldier by Gerard ter Borch the Younger

紧急情况`The Emergency by Andreas Achenbach

紧急情况`The Emergency by Andreas Achenbach

女性形象`Female Figure

女性形象`Female Figure

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