巴蜀有名老书画家作品拍卖价 组图

黑发女孩,裙子高挑`Black-Haired Girl with Lifted Skirt by Egon Schiele

黑发女孩,裙子高挑`Black-Haired Girl with Lifted Skirt by Egon Schiele

洗澡的顺序是,一个年轻女孩给一只白色的狗洗澡`The Order of the Bath, A Young Girl Bathing a White Dog by Charles Burton Barber

洗澡的顺序是,一个年轻女孩给一只白色的狗洗澡`The Order of the Bath, A Young Girl Bathing a White Dog by Charles Burton Barber

吉内夫拉·德本奇,1474-1478年`Ginevra de\’ Benci, 1474-1478 by Leonardo da Vinci

吉内夫拉·德本奇,1474-1478年`Ginevra de\’ Benci, 1474-1478 by Leonardo da Vinci

《女人的作品》,1912年`A Woman\’s Work, 1912 by John Sloan

《女人的作品》,1912年`A Woman\’s Work, 1912 by John Sloan

回声和那西塞斯`Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse

回声和那西塞斯`Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse

康复者`A Convalescent

康复者`A Convalescent

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

在慕尼黑霍夫劳豪斯`In The Munich Hofbrauhaus

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