朱丹油画 组图

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Woman with Sunflowers (1892~98)  by Aubrey Vincent Beardsley

有向日葵的妇女` Woman with Sunflowers (1892~98) by Aubrey Vincent Beardsley

一位女士的肖像,西娅·普罗克托`Portrait of a Lady, Thea Proctor by George Washington Lambert

一位女士的肖像,西娅·普罗克托`Portrait of a Lady, Thea Proctor by George Washington Lambert

游行到加略山`Procession to Calvary by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

游行到加略山`Procession to Calvary by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

监视断路器`Watching The Breakers

监视断路器`Watching The Breakers

1506-1509年,圣母和圣子与四位天使一起登基`The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels, 1506-1509 by Quinten Massys

1506-1509年,圣母和圣子与四位天使一起登基`The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Four Angels, 1506-1509 by Quinten Massys

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