李建培的书画马到成功 组图

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

哈里托涅科姐妹埃琳娜·乌鲁索娃公主和娜塔莉亚·斯滕博克·费尔默伯爵夫人的肖像,1`Portrait of the Kharitonenko sisters, Princess Elena Urusova and Countess Natalia Stenbock-Fermor, 1 by Paul Albert Besnard

哈里托涅科姐妹埃琳娜·乌鲁索娃公主和娜塔莉亚·斯滕博克·费尔默伯爵夫人的肖像,1`Portrait of the Kharitonenko sisters, Princess Elena Urusova and Countess Natalia Stenbock-Fermor, 1 by Paul Albert Besnard

自由的有色人种妇女及其子女和仆人`Free Women of Color with their Children and Servants

自由的有色人种妇女及其子女和仆人`Free Women of Color with their Children and Servants

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

证词`The Deposition

证词`The Deposition

玛德琳肖像,1800年`Portrait of Madeleine, 1800 by Marie-Guillemine Benoist

玛德琳肖像,1800年`Portrait of Madeleine, 1800 by Marie-Guillemine Benoist

慈善机构,1590年`Charity, 1590 by Abraham Bloemaert

慈善机构,1590年`Charity, 1590 by Abraham Bloemaert

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