安徽书画家卓然 组图

华尔兹,1893年`Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

华尔兹,1893年`Waltz, 1893 by Felix Vallotton

玛格丽特·斯托伯勒·维特根斯坦肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgenstein

玛格丽特·斯托伯勒·维特根斯坦肖像`Portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgenstein

1907年,纽约市第六大道和第三十街`Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, New York City, 1907 by John Sloan

1907年,纽约市第六大道和第三十街`Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, New York City, 1907 by John Sloan

准备比赛吗,家人`Getting Ready for a Game, Family by Carl Larsson

准备比赛吗,家人`Getting Ready for a Game, Family by Carl Larsson

基督与玛丽`Christ and the Maries by Ary Scheffer

基督与玛丽`Christ and the Maries by Ary Scheffer

圣罗莎莉为遭受瘟疫侵袭的巴勒莫求情`Saint Rosalie Interceding For The Plague Stricken Of Palermo

圣罗莎莉为遭受瘟疫侵袭的巴勒莫求情`Saint Rosalie Interceding For The Plague Stricken Of Palermo

有牧羊人的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with a Shepherd by Titian

有牧羊人的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with a Shepherd by Titian

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