赵广礼书画 组图

上午11点`Eleven A M by Edward Hopper

上午11点`Eleven A M by Edward Hopper

《死亡与少女》,1517年`Death and the Maiden, 1517 by Hans Baldung

《死亡与少女》,1517年`Death and the Maiden, 1517 by Hans Baldung

晚祷赞美诗`The Vesper Hymn

晚祷赞美诗`The Vesper Hymn

年轻女孩的裸体躯干`Nude Torso of Young Girl by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

年轻女孩的裸体躯干`Nude Torso of Young Girl by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

在床上,1892年`In bed, 1892 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

在床上,1892年`In bed, 1892 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

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