人民书画院艺术品展示中心 组图

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

天使弹奏琵琶,1506年`Angel Playing a Lute, 1506 by Albrecht Durer

天使弹奏琵琶,1506年`Angel Playing a Lute, 1506 by Albrecht Durer

音乐天才`Genius of Music by Howard Pyle

音乐天才`Genius of Music by Howard Pyle

慢板`Adagio by Gabriel von Max

慢板`Adagio by Gabriel von Max

圣约瑟夫之梦` The Dream of Saint Joseph by Philippe de Champaigne

圣约瑟夫之梦` The Dream of Saint Joseph by Philippe de Champaigne

阿喀琉斯之怒`The Anger of Achilles

阿喀琉斯之怒`The Anger of Achilles

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo Buonarroti

布鲁日的麦当娜`Madonna of Bruges by Michelangelo Buonarroti

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