河南民国书画家田潇白 组图

星座,游艇上的雨天`Constellation, Rainy Day on the Yacht by John Singer Sargent

星座,游艇上的雨天`Constellation, Rainy Day on the Yacht by John Singer Sargent

火车站`The Railway Station

火车站`The Railway Station

1798年,一位身穿白衣的年轻女子的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman in White, 1798 by Jacques-Louis David

1798年,一位身穿白衣的年轻女子的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman in White, 1798 by Jacques-Louis David

绿腰带`Green Sash

绿腰带`Green Sash

台阶上的四个数字,1660`Four Figures on a Step, 1660 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

台阶上的四个数字,1660`Four Figures on a Step, 1660 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Gentile da Fabriano

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Gentile da Fabriano



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