田原书画 组图

贝多芬的诗中,对幸福的渴望得到了安抚`Beethoven Frieze, The Longing for Happiness Finds Appeasement in Poetry by Gustav Klimt

贝多芬的诗中,对幸福的渴望得到了安抚`Beethoven Frieze, The Longing for Happiness Finds Appeasement in Poetry by Gustav Klimt

鲁林夫人摇篮,1889年`Madame Roulin Rocking the Cradle, 1889 by Vincent van Gogh

鲁林夫人摇篮,1889年`Madame Roulin Rocking the Cradle, 1889 by Vincent van Gogh

班克罗夫特夫人`Lady Bancroft

班克罗夫特夫人`Lady Bancroft

爱德华·佩列伦夫人肖像,1879年`Portrait of Madame Edouard Pailleron, 1879 by John Singer Sargent

爱德华·佩列伦夫人肖像,1879年`Portrait of Madame Edouard Pailleron, 1879 by John Singer Sargent

红衣少女`Young Woman in Red Dress by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

红衣少女`Young Woman in Red Dress by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

《三博士崇拜》,1446-1510年`Adoration of the Magi, 1446-1510 by Sandro Botticelli

《三博士崇拜》,1446-1510年`Adoration of the Magi, 1446-1510 by Sandro Botticelli

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

鲁比·洛夫特斯用臀环`Ruby Loftus Screwing A Breech Ring

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