马金铭书画金奖作品 组图

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

奥伯伦和泰坦尼克号的和解`The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania by Sir Joseph Noel Paton

奥伯伦和泰坦尼克号的和解`The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania by Sir Joseph Noel Paton

在教堂祈祷的弃婴`Foundling Girls At Prayer In The Chapel

在教堂祈祷的弃婴`Foundling Girls At Prayer In The Chapel

游泳者,1896年`Bathers, 1896 by Henri Fantin-Latour

游泳者,1896年`Bathers, 1896 by Henri Fantin-Latour

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

伊丽莎·里奇利,拿着竖琴的女士`Eliza Ridgely, Lady with a Harp by Thomas Sully

参观教室`Visit To The Classroom

参观教室`Visit To The Classroom

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