北京华夏书画院有么 组图

1858年领养圣母`Virgin of the Adoption, 1858 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

1858年领养圣母`Virgin of the Adoption, 1858 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

妓女头目`Head of a Prostitute

妓女头目`Head of a Prostitute

一位年轻女子在一篇关于冬天的火盆寓言中暖手`A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier Allegory of Winter by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

一位年轻女子在一篇关于冬天的火盆寓言中暖手`A Young Woman Warming her Hands over a Brazier Allegory of Winter by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

情书`The love letter by Hans Zatzka

情书`The love letter by Hans Zatzka

房屋建造者`The House Builders

房屋建造者`The House Builders

M夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame M

M夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame M

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

夜市`The Night Market by Petrus van Schendel

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