醴陵张伟书画 组图

年轻女子`Young Woman by Frederic Bazille

年轻女子`Young Woman by Frederic Bazille

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

《弗洛拉与西风》,1802年`Flora and Zephyr, 1802 by Francois Gerard

奥伯伦和泰坦尼克号的和解`The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania by Sir Joseph Noel Paton

奥伯伦和泰坦尼克号的和解`The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania by Sir Joseph Noel Paton

《勇气、焦虑和绝望,观看战斗》,1850年`Courage, Anxiety and Despair, Watching the Battle, 1850 by James Sant

《勇气、焦虑和绝望,观看战斗》,1850年`Courage, Anxiety and Despair, Watching the Battle, 1850 by James Sant

神化`Apotheosis by French 18th Century

神化`Apotheosis by French 18th Century

第一次认罪`The First Confession

第一次认罪`The First Confession

维纳斯的躯干,石膏雕像`Torso of Venus, Plaster Statuette by Vincent van Gogh

维纳斯的躯干,石膏雕像`Torso of Venus, Plaster Statuette by Vincent van Gogh

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