信州区太阳光书画院 组图

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

新的黎明`A New Dawn by Rudolf Ernst

新的黎明`A New Dawn by Rudolf Ernst

美杜莎`The Medusa by Carlo Bocklin

美杜莎`The Medusa by Carlo Bocklin

弗朗西斯科·达里米尼和保罗在花园里`Francesco da Rimini and Paolo in the Garden by Ernst Klimt

弗朗西斯科·达里米尼和保罗在花园里`Francesco da Rimini and Paolo in the Garden by Ernst Klimt

紫罗兰花环和藏红花色长袍`With Violets Wreathed and Robe of Saffron Hue

紫罗兰花环和藏红花色长袍`With Violets Wreathed and Robe of Saffron Hue

蓝色交响乐`Symphony in Blue by Louis Icart

蓝色交响乐`Symphony in Blue by Louis Icart

梦`The Dream

梦`The Dream

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