中学书画展活动通知 组图

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

梦想之旅`A Dream – Voyage de Reve

梦想之旅`A Dream – Voyage de Reve

坐在马桶旁的女人`Woman Seated at Her Toilet by Gerard ter Borch the Younger

坐在马桶旁的女人`Woman Seated at Her Toilet by Gerard ter Borch the Younger

圣露西,1625-1630年`Saint Lucy, 1625-1630 by Francisco de Zurbaran

圣露西,1625-1630年`Saint Lucy, 1625-1630 by Francisco de Zurbaran

丢脸`In Disgrace by Charles Burton Barber

丢脸`In Disgrace by Charles Burton Barber

这位艺术家的妻子和他的猎犬`The Artist\’s Wife And His Setter Dog

这位艺术家的妻子和他的猎犬`The Artist\’s Wife And His Setter Dog

女佣和孩子`Woman and Child with Serving Maid

女佣和孩子`Woman and Child with Serving Maid

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