第六届全国职工书画展入展名单 组图

被俘的逃犯`The Captured Runaway by William Gale

被俘的逃犯`The Captured Runaway by William Gale

午睡`La Siesta by Joaquin Sorolla

午睡`La Siesta by Joaquin Sorolla

睡美人`The Sleeping Beauty by Joseph Edward Southall

睡美人`The Sleeping Beauty by Joseph Edward Southall

帷幔`The Vail

帷幔`The Vail

美国马戏团演员莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner, American circus Performer by Unknown

美国马戏团演员莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner, American circus Performer by Unknown

施洗约翰,1410年`John the Baptist, 1410 by Robert Campin

施洗约翰,1410年`John the Baptist, 1410 by Robert Campin

圣母玛利亚与婴儿圣约翰浸信会,1635年`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1635 by Carlo Dolci

圣母玛利亚与婴儿圣约翰浸信会,1635年`Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1635 by Carlo Dolci

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