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她对《圣女贞德》系列的吸引力`Her Appeal to the Dauphin, Joan of Arc series by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel

她对《圣女贞德》系列的吸引力`Her Appeal to the Dauphin, Joan of Arc series by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel

三个命运,1910年`The Three Fates, 1910 by Alexander Rothaug

三个命运,1910年`The Three Fates, 1910 by Alexander Rothaug

圣母玛利亚`Madonna with Saints by Sandro Botticelli

圣母玛利亚`Madonna with Saints by Sandro Botticelli

忏悔的玛格达伦`The Penitent Magdalen

忏悔的玛格达伦`The Penitent Magdalen

朱利安·艾尔廷格在《drag》`Julian Eltinge in drag by American Photo

朱利安·艾尔廷格在《drag》`Julian Eltinge in drag by American Photo

拿着锄头的年轻农家女孩`Young Peasant Girl with a Hoe by Jules Breton

拿着锄头的年轻农家女孩`Young Peasant Girl with a Hoe by Jules Breton

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

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