王福臣书画家百科 组图

安妮·艾米莉·索菲亚·格兰特`Anne Emily Sophia Grant by Francis Grant

安妮·艾米莉·索菲亚·格兰特`Anne Emily Sophia Grant by Francis Grant

穿着土耳其连衣裙的南希·帕克`Nancy Parker In Turkish Dress

穿着土耳其连衣裙的南希·帕克`Nancy Parker In Turkish Dress

周日上午在弗吉尼亚`Sunday Morning In Virginia

周日上午在弗吉尼亚`Sunday Morning In Virginia

苹果女人和她的丈夫`The Apple Woman And Her Husband

苹果女人和她的丈夫`The Apple Woman And Her Husband

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

莫斯科州的家谱,弗拉基米尔夫人,1668年`Genealogy of the state of Muscovy, Panegyric to Our Lady of Vladimir, 1668 by Simon Ushakov

穿着西班牙服装的斜倚年轻女子,1863年`Reclining Young Woman in Spanish Costume, 1863 by Edouard Manet

穿着西班牙服装的斜倚年轻女子,1863年`Reclining Young Woman in Spanish Costume, 1863 by Edouard Manet

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

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