书画公益大讲堂 组图

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

Beatrice Townsend小姐`Miss Beatrice Townsend

Beatrice Townsend小姐`Miss Beatrice Townsend

Maloja Valle Fiorita附近的开花草地`Flowering Meadow near Maloja Valle Fiorita

Maloja Valle Fiorita附近的开花草地`Flowering Meadow near Maloja Valle Fiorita

阿米达花园`The Garden of Armida by John Collier

阿米达花园`The Garden of Armida by John Collier

《热》,1919年绘制`Heat, Painted in 1919 by Florine Stettheimer

《热》,1919年绘制`Heat, Painted in 1919 by Florine Stettheimer

1900年秋天日落时树下的年轻女子`Young Woman under a Tree at Sunset, Autumn, 1900 by Henri Fantin-Latour

1900年秋天日落时树下的年轻女子`Young Woman under a Tree at Sunset, Autumn, 1900 by Henri Fantin-Latour

尤达米德`Eudamidas by Eberhard Wachter

尤达米德`Eudamidas by Eberhard Wachter

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