国展书画海报素材 组图

躺在船上的女士`A lady reclining in a boat by Arthur Hacker

躺在船上的女士`A lady reclining in a boat by Arthur Hacker

圣母玛利亚,1750年`Virgin of the Rosary, 1750 by Domingo Martinez

圣母玛利亚,1750年`Virgin of the Rosary, 1750 by Domingo Martinez

《带酒杯的读书僧》,1846-1925年`Reading Monk with Wine Glass, 1846-1925 by Eduard von Grutzner

《带酒杯的读书僧》,1846-1925年`Reading Monk with Wine Glass, 1846-1925 by Eduard von Grutzner

门诺派传教士安斯洛和他的妻子`The Mennonite Preacher Anslo and His Wife

门诺派传教士安斯洛和他的妻子`The Mennonite Preacher Anslo and His Wife

海岸`A Sea-Shore by Claude-Joseph Vernet

海岸`A Sea-Shore by Claude-Joseph Vernet

梅勒盖奇和亚特兰大猎杀卡利多尼亚野猪`Meleager And Atalanta Hunting The Calydonian Boar by Peter Paul Rubens

梅勒盖奇和亚特兰大猎杀卡利多尼亚野猪`Meleager And Atalanta Hunting The Calydonian Boar by Peter Paul Rubens

亨利·怀特夫人`Mrs Henry White

亨利·怀特夫人`Mrs Henry White

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