新城区举办扫黑除恶主题书画展 组图

Idyll beside a fence (Self~portrait, girl with flowers and dog) (1920)  by Tadeusz Makowski

旁边的田园诗有栅栏(自画像,花和狗的女孩)` Idyll beside a fence (Self~portrait, girl with flowers and dog) (1920) by Tadeusz Makowski

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

戴着绿色头巾的蹲着的女人`Crouching Woman with Green Headscarf

戴着绿色头巾的蹲着的女人`Crouching Woman with Green Headscarf

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

艾达·B·威尔斯`Ida B. Wells by Sallie Garrity

耶稣受难与圣母、圣人弗朗西斯和阿加莎`Crucifix with the Virgin and Saints Francis and Agatha

耶稣受难与圣母、圣人弗朗西斯和阿加莎`Crucifix with the Virgin and Saints Francis and Agatha

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon

夏日午后`Summer Afternoon

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