书画家余养仲 组图

1914年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1914 by John William Waterhouse

1914年的《公告》`The Annunciation, 1914 by John William Waterhouse

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

钓鱼归来`Return From Fishing

钓鱼归来`Return From Fishing

Woman And Girl (1924)  by Albert Müller

女人和女孩` Woman And Girl (1924) by Albert Müller

被囚禁的黑山妇女`Captive Montenegrin Women by Jaroslav Cermak

被囚禁的黑山妇女`Captive Montenegrin Women by Jaroslav Cermak

X夫人,皮埃尔·高图夫人,1883年`Madame X, Madame Pierre Gautreau, 1883 by John Singer Sargent

X夫人,皮埃尔·高图夫人,1883年`Madame X, Madame Pierre Gautreau, 1883 by John Singer Sargent

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