书画家工作室电话 组图

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

丝带和鞋带,打造漂亮脸蛋`Ribbons And Laces For Very Pretty Faces

丝带和鞋带,打造漂亮脸蛋`Ribbons And Laces For Very Pretty Faces

塔蒂亚娜·尤苏波娃公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Tatyana Yusupova

塔蒂亚娜·尤苏波娃公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Tatyana Yusupova



斯特凡妮娜·普里米西尔·卡拉法,西塞拉公爵夫人和蒙特贾西公爵夫人,1875年`Stefanina Primicile Carafa, Marchioness of Cicerale and Duchess of Montejasi, 1875 by Edgar Degas

斯特凡妮娜·普里米西尔·卡拉法,西塞拉公爵夫人和蒙特贾西公爵夫人,1875年`Stefanina Primicile Carafa, Marchioness of Cicerale and Duchess of Montejasi, 1875 by Edgar Degas

画作、寓言`A Paint, Allegory by Almeida Junior

画作、寓言`A Paint, Allegory by Almeida Junior

珍妮和吉纳维芙,1915年`Jenny and Genevieve, 1915 by Florine Stettheimer

珍妮和吉纳维芙,1915年`Jenny and Genevieve, 1915 by Florine Stettheimer

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