山东卫视节目表今天书画频道 组图

Sita和Sarita,莎拉·阿利博恩·利维特的肖像`Sita and Sarita, Portrait of Sarah Allibone Leavitt by Cecilia Beaux

Sita和Sarita,莎拉·阿利博恩·利维特的肖像`Sita and Sarita, Portrait of Sarah Allibone Leavitt by Cecilia Beaux

女孩听了音乐打断了她的话`Girl Interrupted at Her Music by 维米尔

女孩听了音乐打断了她的话`Girl Interrupted at Her Music by 维米尔

帕法尼葵`Pavonia by Frederic Leighton

帕法尼葵`Pavonia by Frederic Leighton

决斗`The Duel by Emile Antoine Bayard

决斗`The Duel by Emile Antoine Bayard

刘海·菲尔普斯家族的女孩`Girl of the Bangs-Phelps Family

刘海·菲尔普斯家族的女孩`Girl of the Bangs-Phelps Family

卡洛琳·霍华德女士`Lady Caroline Howard

卡洛琳·霍华德女士`Lady Caroline Howard

黑羽毛帽`Black Feathered Hat

黑羽毛帽`Black Feathered Hat

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