洛阳市书画院长 组图

她一贯的关心`Her Constant Care by Frederick Morgan

她一贯的关心`Her Constant Care by Frederick Morgan

燃烧的六月`Flaming June

燃烧的六月`Flaming June

湖边的傍晚`Evening By The Lake

湖边的傍晚`Evening By The Lake

吉斯蒙达的营救,1906年`The Rescue of Gismonda, 1906 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

吉斯蒙达的营救,1906年`The Rescue of Gismonda, 1906 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

一个不知名女人的肖像,拉贝尔·费伦尼耶,1496年`Portrait of an Unknown Woman, La belle ferronniere, 1496 by Leonardo da Vinci

一个不知名女人的肖像,拉贝尔·费伦尼耶,1496年`Portrait of an Unknown Woman, La belle ferronniere, 1496 by Leonardo da Vinci

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

阳伞,1777年`The Parasol, 1777 by Francisco Goya

阳伞,1777年`The Parasol, 1777 by Francisco Goya

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