戚卫兵书画 组图

根特祭坛画,1432年`The Ghent Altarpiece, 1432 by Jan van Eyck

根特祭坛画,1432年`The Ghent Altarpiece, 1432 by Jan van Eyck

蔓越莓采摘者,南塔基特`Cranberry Pickers, Nantucket by Eastman Johnson

蔓越莓采摘者,南塔基特`Cranberry Pickers, Nantucket by Eastman Johnson

调皮捣蛋`Mischief and Repose

调皮捣蛋`Mischief and Repose

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

甜美的梦`Sweet Dreams

甜美的梦`Sweet Dreams

撒母耳向扫罗显现的鬼魂,1800年`The Ghost of Samuel Appearing to Saul, 1800 by William Blake

撒母耳向扫罗显现的鬼魂,1800年`The Ghost of Samuel Appearing to Saul, 1800 by William Blake

猎熊人归来`The Return of the Bear Hunter by Adolph Tidemand

猎熊人归来`The Return of the Bear Hunter by Adolph Tidemand

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