扬州市江都区国风书画院 组图

从早到晚都不曾消磨时光,但某颗黑暗的心却破碎了`Never Morning Wore To Evening But Some Dark Heart Did Break

从早到晚都不曾消磨时光,但某颗黑暗的心却破碎了`Never Morning Wore To Evening But Some Dark Heart Did Break

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Domingos Sequeira

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Domingos Sequeira

打网球比赛`Played, Tennis Match by Sir John Lavery

打网球比赛`Played, Tennis Match by Sir John Lavery

维纳斯,罗马女神`Venus, Roman Goddess by Lucas Cranach the Elder

维纳斯,罗马女神`Venus, Roman Goddess by Lucas Cranach the Elder

歌剧院的蒙面舞会`Masked Ball At The Opera

歌剧院的蒙面舞会`Masked Ball At The Opera

Head by head (man and woman kissing) (1905)  by head (man and woman kissing) by Edvard Munch

头` Head by head (man and woman kissing) (1905) by head (man and woman kissing) by Edvard Munch

猎人的求爱`The Huntsman\’s Courtship by Samuel Edmund Waller

猎人的求爱`The Huntsman\’s Courtship by Samuel Edmund Waller

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