郭玉岭书画家 组图

夏洛特夫人`The Lady Of Shalott

夏洛特夫人`The Lady Of Shalott

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

公园里一对已婚夫妇的肖像`Portrait of a Married Couple in the Park

公园里一对已婚夫妇的肖像`Portrait of a Married Couple in the Park



奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

粉色和蓝色,姐妹们,1881年`Pink and Blue, Sisters, 1881 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

粉色和蓝色,姐妹们,1881年`Pink and Blue, Sisters, 1881 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

爸爸来了`Dad\’s Coming

爸爸来了`Dad\’s Coming

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