油画艺术品图片欣赏 组图

农村妇女`Rural Women

农村妇女`Rural Women

剥皮天使`The Flayed Angel by Jacques Fabien Gautier d\’Agoty

剥皮天使`The Flayed Angel by Jacques Fabien Gautier d\’Agoty

浮士德和格雷琴`Faust and Gretchen

浮士德和格雷琴`Faust and Gretchen

公告`The Annunciation by Niccolo di Pietro Gerini

公告`The Annunciation by Niccolo di Pietro Gerini

三个戴黄色草帽的女孩`Three Girls in Yellow Straw Hats

三个戴黄色草帽的女孩`Three Girls in Yellow Straw Hats

Seated Woman In An Interior by Filipp Malyavin

坐在屋内的坐在女人` Seated Woman In An Interior by Filipp Malyavin

圣佩德罗修道院,我们的白雪公主`The Monastery of San Pedro, Our Lady of the Snows by Frederic Edwin Church

圣佩德罗修道院,我们的白雪公主`The Monastery of San Pedro, Our Lady of the Snows by Frederic Edwin Church

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