靖边县攀峰书画培训 组图

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

白人黑人妇女`White Negro Woman by Roman Kramsztyk

白人黑人妇女`White Negro Woman by Roman Kramsztyk

《遐想》,写于1904年`Reverie, Painted in 1904 by John William Godward

《遐想》,写于1904年`Reverie, Painted in 1904 by John William Godward

年轻的艺术家`The Young Artist

年轻的艺术家`The Young Artist

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

基督和伊曼纽斯的朝圣者`Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus by Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

灰烬,1925年`Ashes, 1925 by Edvard Munch

灰烬,1925年`Ashes, 1925 by Edvard Munch

西格·泰尔夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Signe Thiel by Carl Larsson

西格·泰尔夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Signe Thiel by Carl Larsson

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