金华书画家协会会员 组图

麦当娜,1895-1902`Madonna, 1895-1902 by Edvard Munch

麦当娜,1895-1902`Madonna, 1895-1902 by Edvard Munch



萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

羽毛朋友`Feathered Friends by Carl Hoff

羽毛朋友`Feathered Friends by Carl Hoff

奥达利斯舞`An Odalisque by Cyprien Auguste Miguel

奥达利斯舞`An Odalisque by Cyprien Auguste Miguel

箭领和克莱特衬衫,1911年`Arrow Collars and Cluett Shirts, 1911 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领和克莱特衬衫,1911年`Arrow Collars and Cluett Shirts, 1911 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

慈善机构`Caritas, Charity by Gaetano Chierici

慈善机构`Caritas, Charity by Gaetano Chierici

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