清明节油画画图片 组图

游轮`The Cruise by Clarence Underwood

游轮`The Cruise by Clarence Underwood

Elderly Woman in Hospital (1981)  by Edvard Munch

老年妇女在医院` Elderly Woman in Hospital (1981) by Edvard Munch

戴着面具的老太太`The Old Lady with Masks by James Ensor

戴着面具的老太太`The Old Lady with Masks by James Ensor

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

威尼斯美女`Venitian Beauties

威尼斯美女`Venitian Beauties

想念她心爱的人`Missing her Beloved by Abbey Altson

想念她心爱的人`Missing her Beloved by Abbey Altson

年轻女子`A Young Woman by Hans Hassenteufel

年轻女子`A Young Woman by Hans Hassenteufel

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