薰衣草水彩风景画 组图

奥辛骑着马来到了青春之地`Oisin Rides to the Land of Youth by Newell Convers Wyeth

奥辛骑着马来到了青春之地`Oisin Rides to the Land of Youth by Newell Convers Wyeth

年轻的小提琴手`The Young Violinist by Francois Martin-Kavel

年轻的小提琴手`The Young Violinist by Francois Martin-Kavel

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer



画作、寓言`A Paint, Allegory by Almeida Junior

画作、寓言`A Paint, Allegory by Almeida Junior

莱罗尔夫人,1882年`Madame Lerolle, 1882 by Henri Fantin-Latour

莱罗尔夫人,1882年`Madame Lerolle, 1882 by Henri Fantin-Latour

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