国风油画图片欣赏 组图

绿色多米诺骨牌`The Green Domino

绿色多米诺骨牌`The Green Domino

布伦希尔德`Brunnhild by Gaston Bussiere

布伦希尔德`Brunnhild by Gaston Bussiere

绘画寓言`Allegory Of Painting

绘画寓言`Allegory Of Painting

格特鲁德·勒夫`Gertrud Loew by Gustav Klimt

格特鲁德·勒夫`Gertrud Loew by Gustav Klimt

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts by Artemisia Gentileschi

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts by Artemisia Gentileschi

两个奇怪的侧面`Two grotesque profiles confronted by Leonardo da Vinci

两个奇怪的侧面`Two grotesque profiles confronted by Leonardo da Vinci

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