延安南沟油画图片 组图

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

阿玛莉·扎克坎德尔,1917-1918`Amalie Zuckerkandl, 1917-1918 by Gustav Klimt

阿玛莉·扎克坎德尔,1917-1918`Amalie Zuckerkandl, 1917-1918 by Gustav Klimt

在火炉旁`Beside the Fire

在火炉旁`Beside the Fire

《秋千》,1767-1768年`The Swing, 1767-1768 by Jean-Honore Fragonard

《秋千》,1767-1768年`The Swing, 1767-1768 by Jean-Honore Fragonard

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac



一位戴着红围巾的女士的肖像`Portrait Of A Lady With A Red Scarf

一位戴着红围巾的女士的肖像`Portrait Of A Lady With A Red Scarf

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