书画家王清林 组图

塞纳河畔的利斯`Lise on the Bank of the Seine by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

塞纳河畔的利斯`Lise on the Bank of the Seine by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

鸢尾花图案和服`Kimono With Iris Pattern

鸢尾花图案和服`Kimono With Iris Pattern

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

会议结束后`After the Sitting

会议结束后`After the Sitting

托马斯·科尔特曼先生和夫人`Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman by Joseph Wright

托马斯·科尔特曼先生和夫人`Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman by Joseph Wright

吉内夫拉·德本奇,1474-1478年`Ginevra de\’ Benci, 1474-1478 by Leonardo da Vinci

吉内夫拉·德本奇,1474-1478年`Ginevra de\’ Benci, 1474-1478 by Leonardo da Vinci

对不起,士兵护卫女,法官杂志封面,1917年7月`Excuse Me, Soldier Escorting Woman, Judge Magazine Cover, July 1917 by Norman Rockwell

对不起,士兵护卫女,法官杂志封面,1917年7月`Excuse Me, Soldier Escorting Woman, Judge Magazine Cover, July 1917 by Norman Rockwell

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