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在红磨坊`At the Moulin Rouge  by Henri de Toulouse-Latrec

在红磨坊`At the Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Latrec

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

罗格朗小姐画像`Portrait Of Mademoiselle Legrand

罗格朗小姐画像`Portrait Of Mademoiselle Legrand

轻松轻松`Giovinetta Errazuriz

轻松轻松`Giovinetta Errazuriz

巴黎狮身人面像`The Parisian Sphinx by Alfred Stevens

巴黎狮身人面像`The Parisian Sphinx by Alfred Stevens

为我们祈祷`Pray for Us by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

为我们祈祷`Pray for Us by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

菲迪莉亚·马歇尔画像`Portrait of Fidelia Marshall

菲迪莉亚·马歇尔画像`Portrait of Fidelia Marshall

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