鲁力四川书画家 组图

慈悲天使`Angel of Mercy by Howard Chandler Christy

慈悲天使`Angel of Mercy by Howard Chandler Christy

《雷的制造者》,1901年`The Lei Maker, 1901 by Theodore Wores

《雷的制造者》,1901年`The Lei Maker, 1901 by Theodore Wores

疯狂的梅格,迟钝的格雷特`Mad Meg, Dull Gret by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

疯狂的梅格,迟钝的格雷特`Mad Meg, Dull Gret by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

巴黎香烟`Cigarrillos Paris

巴黎香烟`Cigarrillos Paris

自画像作为绘画的寓言,1638-1639年`Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 1638-1639 by Artemisia Gentileschi

自画像作为绘画的寓言,1638-1639年`Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, 1638-1639 by Artemisia Gentileschi

秋千`The Swing by Etienne Dinet

秋千`The Swing by Etienne Dinet

《麦当娜与孩子》,1599年`Madonna and Child, 1599 by El Greco

《麦当娜与孩子》,1599年`Madonna and Child, 1599 by El Greco

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