子洲县政协举办书画摄影展 组图

1879年,一个戴着珍珠项链的女人`Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879 by Mary Stevenson Cassatt

1879年,一个戴着珍珠项链的女人`Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879 by Mary Stevenson Cassatt

兰西小姐`Mademoiselle de Lancey

兰西小姐`Mademoiselle de Lancey

姐姐`The Elder Sister by Adolphe William Bouguereau

姐姐`The Elder Sister by Adolphe William Bouguereau

街头小贩`The Streetwalker

街头小贩`The Streetwalker

年轻人为萨特吹奏着烟斗`Youth Playing A Pipe For A Satyr

年轻人为萨特吹奏着烟斗`Youth Playing A Pipe For A Satyr

意大利女裁缝`The Italian Seamstress by Eugen von Blaas

意大利女裁缝`The Italian Seamstress by Eugen von Blaas

向圣伊尔德芬索征收Chasuble税`The Imposition of the Chasuble to San Ildefonso by Andres de Islas

向圣伊尔德芬索征收Chasuble税`The Imposition of the Chasuble to San Ildefonso by Andres de Islas

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